Everyone Home is stewarding the effort to

end homelessness in Alameda County

We Do

EveryOne Home is a collective impact initiative and Alameda County’s Continuum of Care that unites the efforts of city and county government partners, nonprofit service providers, individuals with lived experience, community members, and more. We bring everyone together, using the power of people to end homelessness in Alameda County.

EveryOne Home Key Initiatives and Projects

Coordinated Entry is the front door of Alameda County’s Housing Crisis Response System that provides an accessible and fair way to connect people to housing support.

Every 2 years, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires communities to conduct a Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of individuals, youth, and families experiencing homelessness and provide specific data about their demographics and characteristics.

Every year, HUD has an annual funding competition for Continuum of Cares (CoC). Learn more about Alameda County’s local CoC competition.

A Homeless Management Information System, HMIS, is a data collection system, which allows communities to collect, store, and report information about individuals receiving services.

Support the Home Together 2026 Community Plan

The Home Together 2026 Community Plan is a 5-year strategic initiative which centers racial equity and identifies the strategies, activities and resources needed to dramatically reduce homelessness in Alameda County. The Plan identifies what is needed to operate a homeless response system that has the capacity to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness and to reduce racial disparities.

Our goal to end homelessness is ambitious but we believe it is possible through a unified and equitable response from our community. It will take bold, coordinated action to reduce the number of people becoming homeless each year and increase the number of people returning to a home.

Be a part of the movement to end homelessness today! The collective work to reduce and end homelessness in Alameda County takes place in EveryOne Home’s Leadership Board and committees. Get involved in the work to bring everyone home by joining the Continuum of Care Membership and/or a committee. Please contact us to learn more about how you can be part of this important movement.

News + Updates


The Alameda County CoC is soliciting Letters of Interest (LOIs) from organizations seeking to apply for funding for new projects in the upcoming 2024 CoC Application cycle. Letters of Interest are optional. Organizations that do not submit an LOI will still be eligible to apply for funding. Click below to learn more.

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