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The Leadership Board is a representative cross section of stakeholders responsible for setting program policy and determining strategic direction, guiding the organization, overseeing the work of the committees, and ensuring continued cross sector collaboration. Members must have a commitment to EveryOne Home’s mission and key strategies. They must also work to ensure the collaboration/engagement of their own agency or constituency in the successful implementation of the EveryOne Home Plan. To Submit Written Public Comment to the Leadership Board  Persons who are unable to attend the Committee meeting may submit, by the time the meeting proceedings begin, written comments regarding an Agenda Item in the meeting. Comments which include “for Public Distribution” in either the title and/or body of the email or letter will be made part of the official public record and brought to the attention of the Leadership Board. Written comments should be submitted to Dorcas Chang, dchang@everyonehome.org, or via mail: 1271 Washington Ave., #619, San Leandro, CA 94577. Due to the Shelter In Place, there may be a delay in staff receiving written comments submitted by mail. Due to concerns about COVID 19, until further notice, the Leadership Board will be conducting their meetings online through zoom.  The public is welcome to participate or comment by joining the zoom call. Please see the zoom information posted in the materials of each meeting.

For more information about Leadership Board, contact Dorcas Chang at dchang@everyonehome.org